Набор из трех предметов Richmond Serving Set-Yellow (маленький)

96 $
  • В наличии

    Б. Саввинский пер., 12

  • Артикул: 4.20036
  • Код товара: 00312325
  • Бренд: Global Views
  • Описание:

    In the mid-18th century, Josiah Wedgwood and other Staffordshire potters filled the demand for tea pots and cups with pottery that rivaled imported Chinese porcelains. A canny businessman, Wedgwood cleared his warehouse of old-fashioned pots and sent them to America to delighted tea-drinking colonists. Among his most dramatic products of the 1760s was "agateware," which used marbleized clays to create intricately striated vessels that emulated streaked agate stones. Agateware tea vessels have been excavated in Williamsburg, Virginia. Agateware was a technical feat for the 18th-century British potter. Colonial Williamsburg's renowned ceramics collection contains masterpiece examples of agateware showing the artistic and technical talents of Staffordshire potters. Global Views is able to bring you the work of similarly proficient artisans of clay working in Vietnam today. Their handsome


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